Saturday, December 31, 2011

The new commuter cap does nothing for the poor!

Tomorrow at 10am I will catch 40 buses in a row in off-peak, zone one, to take advantage of the new "go 10 and then go free" fare cap. For 35 bucks I will have unlimited travel around SEQ for 6.5 days or I can sell it to a backpacker for a small profit!
Why 40 buses? Because the go-card only allows 3 transfers and therefore maximum 4 trips per journey. This is a huge impediment to economically and geographically disadvantaged people but an advantage for me in exploiting this new and unfair cap as I will be easily able to complete journeys between Mater Hill and The Cultural Centre.  
Either way I will aim to demonstrate how this new cap favours commuters over the economically disadvantaged who are being shafted by Translink and the Queensland government.

Please like our Facebook page The Translink Ripoff 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks we need someone to do something about this shame. Its just getting out of hand. I wish QLD's would stand up and protest
